What is Skill Up Career Festival?
Skill Up Seminar 2024 will come to you as an insightful and interactive seminar regarding self-development for your future career. Unlike other seminars, there will be an interactive team working session with other attendees so you can apply what you have learned from the speaker directly to the canvas.
Career Fair
Skill Up Career Fair 2024 comes to you as a hub where you can meet with your dream companies. You can interact and get to know more directly at the booths, as well as there will be merchandise that you can get by visiting booths at our event.
Event Details
Day/Date : Saturday, August 10, 2024
Time : 09:00 AM WIB
Location :Yayasan Pusat Kebudayaan Bandung Jl. Naripan No.7-9, Braga, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40111
Event Features
Free Entrance
for all participants
Free Ice Cream
for all participants (TnC applied)
Hands On Activity
after seminar
Seminar Topics
Belinda Azzahra
Manager Wholesale Engagement
At Philip Morris Indonesia
BrandYOU: Crafting Your Personal Brand
Manager Wholesale Engagement
- Founder Kelas Belinda
- 1st Winner of Kalla Future Leaders by Kalla Group (2022)
- 1st Winner of National Business Case Competitions (2021)
- Mahasiswa Berprestasi II in Economics and Business Faculty, Universitas Indonesia (2021)
- Best Presenter in Singapore International Multidisciplinary Academic Conferences (2020)
Seminar ini akan membahas persiapan penting dalam memulai karier, termasuk pembuatan CV dan menghadapi interview kerja. Pada seminar ini, peserta akan mendapatkan wawasan tentang cara membuat CV yang dapat menarik perhatian pihak recruiter serta tips dan tricks agar dapat sukses dalam menghadapi interview kerja.
Technical Sales Engineer
At Zekindo
Career Survival 101: Essential Career Strategies for Beginners
Technical Sales Engineer
Seminar ini akan mengupas strategi penting yang dibutuhkan selama perjalanan karier. Fokus utama dari seminar ini mencakup networking, pengembangan soft skills, manajemen waktu dan pekerjaan, serta berbagai aspek lain yang dapat mendukung kesuksesan karier.
Jovan Natalius Marcos
Consultant at Oliver Wyman
At Oliver Wyman
Exploring Alternative Career Paths: Leveraging Skills Beyond Your Degree
Consultant at Oliver Wyman
- 2nd Runner Up of Shopee Ultimate Case Challenge (2021)
- 1st Winner of MARSS International Scientific Paper Competition (2021)
- 1st Winner MTI Business Case Competition (2021)
Pada seminar ini, akan dibahas tentang eksplorasi keberjalanan karier alternatif yang tidak sesuai dengan jurusan perkuliahan. Seminar ini akan memaparkan bagaimana cara memanfaatkan keterampilan yang dimiliki untuk dapat menjalani karier di bidang yang berbeda dan menghadapi tantangan yang muncul akibat hal tersebut.